Mystique Unveiled Journeys of Growth

Word of the Day — Mystique

Shadows Pub
3 min readNov 15, 2023


Knowledge ignites the mystique of the soul journey, leading to personal growth. — ShadowsPub

The word “mystique” is a relative newcomer to the English language, having come into use in the early 20th century. It is derived from the Latin ‘mysticus,’ meaning ‘mystical’. The word ‘mystical’ comes from the Greek ‘mystikos’ and is associated with mystery and secret rites.

English use of the mystique generally refers to something with the quality of mystery, glamour or power associated with something or someone enigmatic or fascinating. A blend of mystery, allure and respect is attached to the mystique.

Mystique is not just about being mysterious; it’s about being intriguingly incomprehensible. Give that a moment to sink in. Now, think about the journeys of personal and spiritual growth. It might be just me, but a definite mystique is attached.

Once the spark ignited the journey, I found I was like a moth to flame. I’m drawn to it to explore, learn, gain insight, and, most importantly, work on actively integrating the journey into my life. The mystery of how past experiences impact my current worldview and responses is an ongoing quest, as is the mystery of the presence of divine…



Shadows Pub

Writer | Publisher — I write what catches my interest. A lot catches my interest. I create books to use. Life is a marathon, set your pace & enjoy the trip.